
New UK Grid Emissions Factors 2023

energy transition

The latest UK Government Emissions factors were published on 7th June 2023. These figures can be used for accurately reporting the carbon impact of business energy use.

We have provided a summary of the main points in relation to grid electricity and natural gas emission factors.

  • Note that the grid electricity factors are based on the 2021 grid mix data. This lag is standard and the 2023 factors should be used for calendar year 2023 emissions reporting.
  • The transmission and generation (T&D) emissions factor for grid electricity has increased from 2022 figure of 0.01769 kg CO2e per kWh to 0.01792 kg CO2e per kWh.
  • The generation emissions factor for grid electricity has increased from 2022 figure, 0.19338 kg CO2e per kWh, to 0.20707 kg CO2e per kWh.
  • This means that the combined factor that most companies use has increased from 2022 figure of 0.21107 kg CO2e per kWh to 0.22499 kg CO2e per kWh (a year on year increase of 7%).
  • The natural gas emissions factor for 2023 has increased slightly from the 2022 figure of 0.18254 kg CO2e per kWh to 0.18293 kg CO2e per kWh.

The increase in grid carbon intensity is a result of an unexpected reduction in energy generated from onshore and offshore wind farms due to untypical calm weather in and around the UK during 2021. This meant that electricity from natural gas fired power stations increased to meet the shortfall.

It should be noted that UK electricity end users have all contributed to further installations of renewable energy generators. For example, we would expect to see increased offshore wind generation to feature in next years grid emissions factor. These projects being supported by UK end users via Contracts for Difference.

The continued reduction of the electricity emissions factor for the previous five years highlights this year as an anomaly.

At ITPEnergised, we are proud of our contribution. Despite the increase in electricity emissions factor, the grid will continue to decarbonise and many of our projects are very much based on achieving that outcome. We can help you with all aspects of your journey to net zero, from carbon footprinting to cradle-to-grave solutions for all renewable energy generation technologies.

Download a PDF of this briefing here, and please get in touch with John Barclay, Technical Director at for more information.