

As we accelerate towards a net zero economy, it is increasingly important that we utilise the natural resources available to us whilst protecting the physical environment around us. Our integrated team of geologists and hydrologists have a proven track record utilising expert knowledge to support you through all stages of the development process. 

Our Expertise

Our expert and versatile team have a proven capability in the delivery of environmental assessments and solutions relating to geology, peat, hydrology and hydrogeology. We have extensive experience across a wide range of developments in various sectors, particularly within renewables and electricity transmission projects and we will support you from feasibility through to planning and post-consent construction phases, collaborating with internal and external technical specialists, as well as having established relationships with statutory and non-statutory consultees.

Key Services

  • Feasibility Assessments and Environmental Site Selection Appraisals
  • EIA/ES Chapters, Technical Appendices and Environmental Baseline Studies
  • Water Resources and Hydrology Impact Assessments
  • Geology & Ground Condition Impact Assessments
  • Peat Depth Surveys
  • Peat Condition Survey and Assessments
  • Peatland Hydrology Assessments
  • Peat Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessments
  • Peat Management Plans and Construction Support
  • Peatland Restoration Planning and Advice
  • Wind Farm Carbon Balance Assessments
  • Preliminary Flood Risk Assessments
  • Groundwater Risk Assessments
  • Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (GWDTE) Risk Assessments
  • Private Water Supply Risk Assessments
  • Water Quality Monitoring
  • Preliminary Contaminated Land (Phase 1) Risk Assessments
  • Coal Mining Risk Assessments
  • Discharge of Planning Condition Requirements
  • Ground Investigation Design and Support


Hydrology & Hydrogeology  

Corporate, Industrial & Manufacturing | Offshore Wind & Marine Renewables | Oil & Gas Transition | Onshore Renewables & Storage | Property & Urban Regeneration

Geology & Peat

Corporate, Industrial & Manufacturing | Offshore Wind & Marine Renewables | Oil & Gas Transition | Onshore Renewables & Storage | Property & Urban Regeneration


Alvance British Aluminium – EIA

ITPEnergised managed the multi-discipline environmental impact assessment of this proposed major development in Fort William. Read more...