Capability Statement

Property Environmental Due Diligence (PEDD)

energy management
We knew that we could trust ITPEnergised to meet our high expectations when they were awarded a recent portfolio of Phase 1 Assessments. As we trusted they would, they delivered this quick turnaround project on time and their detailed and easy to follow reports accurately conveyed the information we needed”.

ITPEnergised is a trusted advisor providing client-focused, reliable, commercially minded, environmental and energy consulting services. We have significant experience of providing Property Environmental Due Diligence (PEDD) services.

We provide support for a wide range of real estate transactions throughout UK and Europe, and work on all sides of the deal.

Our sector experience includes, but is not limited to, retail facilities, hotel and leisure, healthcare, manufacturing, warehousing, development land, transport facilities and commercial real estate. We have an excellent understanding of the material risks which may affect you as a result of the transaction.

We pride ourselves on providing the level of detail required to meet the needs of our clients in an accessible and technically robust manner. We have an excellent understanding of requirements of major funders and investors.

Our Capability:

Our PEDD support provides our clients confidence in their asset.

We assess the the significance of any identified risks, we evaluate the potential for environmental liabilities to arise for the site owner, and we make recommendations for any further investigations or actions to clarify, mitigate or manage risks.

Our Property Environmental Due Diligence services include:

  • Desk Study and Phase I Environmental Assessments
  • Data room review
  • Real Estate Environmental Assessments including consideration of sustainability issues
  • Negotiation support
  • Peer reviews and second opinion on existing reports
  • Post transaction advice and support
  • Pre divestment advice and preparation of vendor due diligence reports.

By understanding our clients’ expectations, financing and attitude to risk, we deliver  commercially minded property services, with the aim of evaluating the potential environmental liabilities and risk associated with any transaction.

Download the Property Environmental Due Diligence Capability Statement PDF here.