Capability Statement

Research and Development Services

grid connection consultants

Location: Worldwide

Clients: Various private, government, internal

ITPEnergised has extensive experience conducting Research and Development work. Projects have included installing appropriate energy generation technologies for remote communities in developing countries through to designing and deploying cutting edge wave and tidal energy converters.

We have developed both our own and client’s technologies, typically working at Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 1 to 7: From initial concept through to the first technology demonstrator.

As such we understand the nature of R&D projects with varying scopes and timescales and constrained budgets. We also understand the common goals and pitfalls on the path to commercialisation. These include fundraising; identifying cost reduction pathways; designing for economic manufacture; and presenting robust costs and development plans for a business case and whatever we are tasked with, we aim to support all of these.

Our Role:

ITPEnergised provides R&D services in several areas to cover most requirements by anyone interested in developing new products or services. We are adept at bolstering skills in a client’s team and work closely with them to achieve the desired outcomes.


  • Mechanical, structural, electrical and control design
  • Numerical and physical modelling
  • Grid / private wire connection
  • Design reviews
  • Project and programme management
  • Energy production


  • Cost of Energy modelling
  • Cost and revenue forecasts.
  • Grant applications
  • Due diligence

Project Development

  • Resource assessments
  • Site identification
  • Feasibility studies
  • Environmental and planning services


ITPEnergised has helped deliver successful R&D projects by identifying deployment locations; defining worldwide market opportunities; carrying out modelling campaigns; designing subsystems and whole devices; and producing cost models for fundraising. We have won tens of £millions of grant funding for clients and our work has contributed to successful investment campaigns. Work carried out by ITPEnergised has identified new markets and delivered several late stage demonstrator devices.

Download the Research and Development Services Capability Statement PDF here.